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As a member of Cowtown you will have access to a covered practice range with targets from 15 to 50 yards and also a 3-d practice range in the woods. You also have a discounted rate for our club shoots.
Membership are good from January to December and they include all family members in your house hold, under the age of 18.

Our rates are:
Families/ Individual Memberships: $70
Senior Membership (Age 60 & over): $50
Youth Membership: $50

 Click here to access a printable membership application you can complete, sign and mail in payment to our Membership Coordinator.


Convenient online membership application below, please be sure to click submit at end of applicaiton and return to this page 
and complete the payment section at the bottom.

****PLEASE NOTE:  Processing and Approval of your application may take 5-7 days to process, if have any questions, please contact our membership coordinator, Kevin Hubbard @ 817-239-7562 or Kevin.Hubbard@graybar.com and he will make every effort to respond in a timely manner.  All board members are on a volunteer basis so please be patient with us as it may take a little time to respond.  Thank you.

If this below Form does NOT load on your browser, Please CLICK BELOW link for online application form!!!  Then Return to this page, scroll to the bottom to make payment.


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After submitting membership form , please proceed below to payment option.
Membership Type